Arryn: offline

8:50PM There is a problem in the Hetzner Datacenter, which they are working on. Arryn is offline until they get it fixed, which hopefully will not be too long.

9:30PM Hetzner has fixed the problem – I’m waiting for a RFO to find out exactly what their problem was.

Update: Hetzner says that a “network cable was loose”.

Arryn: apache problem

11:30AM All sites on Arryn are displaying a 500 server error. We’re working on the problem.

11:40 We’ve found the problem, and are working on a fix

11:45 Server is being rebooted after the fix.

11:57 Server is up after reboot, but the problem remains. Emergency ticket has been submitted to CloudLinux, who have logged into the server to fix the problem with their software.

12:01 The problem has been fixed. Apologies for the downtime.